29 July 2006

Kosovo Albanian kidnaps daughter of Montenegrin official

BBC Monitoring Europe (Political) - July 13, 2006 Thursday

Excerpt from report by S.S. entitled "Sehu was pretending that he was also kidnapped" published by Montenegrin newspaper Vijesti on 12 July

Podgorica - The Montenegrin and Kosovo police are looking for Perparim Sehu, aged 34, resident of Djakovica [town in Kosovo], who is suspected of organizing and carrying out last month's kidnapping of Aleksandra Gvozdenovic, daughter of Miodrag Gvozdenovic, director of the [Montenegrin] port of Bar company. The Montenegrin police directorate has informed border posts that Sehu is wanted for kidnapping and that he frequently uses forged papers to cross the border.

The Kosovo police first tried to use a ruse and last week they announced that Sehu has been missing since June. The police asked citizens to report everything they know about him. However, the UNMIK [UN Mission in Kosovo] trick has failed. Perparim Sehu is obviously not a naive man, particularly considering the fact that he probably has 200,000 euros Gvozdenovic paid him in ransom for his daughter.

According to the details of the kidnapping the two police forces managed to uncover so far, and they are worthy of a thriller, Sehu was playing a double role - he had lured Aleksandra to the kidnappers and then to her he pretended he was another victim of kidnapping until the money arrived from Bar.

[Passage omitted: Details of the kidnapping]

Source: Vijesti, Podgorica, in Serbian 12 Jul 06 p8