26 June 2006

Another Serbian Orthodox church in Kosovo damaged in attack

KIM Info-service, Obilic, June 19, 2006

Unknown attackers took away four large crosses from the lateral domes, a metal gutter from the right side of the chuch and damaged a part of the lead roof. Although the church which is situated in the town center of Obilic (8 km from the Provincial capital Pristina), is surrounded by two rounds of concertina barbed wire unknown attackers under the cover of dark crossed over the wire using a wooden plank and climbed the church by a ladder. The door of the church was also broken and left open by attackers.

The church of the Birth of the Mother of God (Theotokos) was built in 1998 and was damaged during the March riots in 2004 when ethnic Albanian mob burned barrels with tar inside the church and seriously damaged the interior of the church. The church was placed on the list of Serbian Orthodox Sites which had to be reconstruced using the funds provided by the Kosovo Government budget. In October last year the Reconstruction and implementation Commision (RIC) led by Council of Europe expert Emma Carmichael (UK)completed some minor repairs on the church which KFOR soldiers secured by two rounds of concertina barbed wire.

The Serbian representative in the Obilic Municipality Mr. Mirce Jakovljevic said that this is one more attack on Serbian property in Obilic. This town suffered particularly during the March riots in 2004 when Albanian mob burned dozens of Serb homes and the school. Only some of former Serb residents have since then returned to their reconstructed homes in fear of new Albanian attacks. This latest attack, said Mr. Jakovljevic is an additional discouragement for the return of the Serbian community to Obilic and gives impression that the interantional authorities, not to mention Kosovo police, are unable to prevent ethnically and religiously motivated attacks on beleaguered Serbian minority.

Bishop Artemije, the Serbian Orthodox Bishop of Kosovo strongly condemned today this latest in the series of hundreds post-war attacks on Serbian Orthodox churches in Kosovo. Regrettably, Bishop said, last year's attack on Cathedral of the Holy Virgin of Ljevis and this church in Obilic clearly demonstrate that Christian sites are constantlly beeing targeted despite promises by internaitonal authorities and Kosovo Government. While on one hand the Serbian Orthodox sites are being promissed "protected zones" around their religous sites attacks on Christian shrines continue, said the Bishop.

Bishop Teodosije, the auxiliary bishop of the Diocese, also strongly condemned this attack expressing his serious concern for continuation of the reconstruction of holy sites. Bishop Teodosije as a representative of the Serbian Orthodox Church in RIC requested that remaining Orthodox churches and monasteries in Kosovo are properly protected from attacks because, as he said, if this camapaign against Christian sites continues there will be no churches left in Kosovo soon.

Local Kosovo police has not come out yet with an official statement nor there have still been any official condemnations of this vandal act by Kosovo and international authorities.
NOTE: The church in Obilic is mentioned on some of lists of damaged Serbian Orthodox sites as the Church of St. Archangel Michael. In fact this is a chuch consecrated in honor of the Birth of Theotokos (Mother of God). The architect of the church is Prof. Ljubisa Folic