Protect Serbian and other non-Albanian population
Serbian Press Agency SRNA, Bijeljina, 25-09-2005 12:52:36
Gnjilane - The Serb National Council of North Kosovo and the Serb National Council of Kosovo and Metohija have concluded, at a meeting held today in Silovo near Gnjilane, that due to the exceptionally serious security situation they will request that the international community and state officials prepare a separate strategy for the protection of the Serbian and other non-Albanian population in Kosovo and Metohija.
An appeal was sent from the meeting of the two National Councils to Kai Eide, the UN secretary-general's special envoy for the assessment of standards, to prepare an objective and unbiased report on the situation in Kosovo and Metohija, and to ask UN secretary-general Kofi Annan to rescind all decrees, laws and other legal acts contrary to the UN Security Council's Resolution 1244 on Kosovo.
The members of the two National Councils unanimously adopted the Plan on decentralization of local government in Kosovo prepared by the expert teams of both Councils, which they say are completely compatible with the plan of the Serbian Government.
They emphasized that the adopted plan does not divide Kosovo but strengthens the Serbian community.
The plan foresees 38.2 percent of the total territory of Kosovo and Metohija having a Serb majority population. In order to achieve this, it is necessary to ensure the return of 25 percent of 250,000 displaced Serbs.
They emphasized that the return of 25 percent of displaced Serbs should not be a problem for the international community if it is truly serious about creating a multiethnic and democratic society in Kosovo and Metohija.
Participants in the meeting of the two National Councils stated and confirmed by acclamation in their conclusion that no one from the Serb List for Kosovo and Metohija can make the claim they represent the Kosovo Serbs any longer, and that their future statements can only be made on behalf of themselves as individuals, not as Serb representatives.
Delegates from all Serb settlements took part in the work of the session. Milan Ivanovic, Marko Jaksic and Nebojsa Jovic were present from the north of Kosovo.
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