27 August 2005

Contact Group, UNMIK, OSCE condemn hate speech in "Epoka e re" against Decani Monastery

KiM-Info Newsletter 23-08-05

Contact Group, UNMIK, OSCE condemn hate speech in "Epoka e re" against Decani Monastery - Epoka e re continues with lies and accusations

KIM Info-service, August 23, 2005

In a meeting held in Pristina on August 19, the representatives of the Contact Group expressed dissatisfaction with the decision of the Pristina daily in Albanian - Epoka e Re - to publish, "without any editorial comment, the language of ethnic hatred towards the Serb historical monastery of Decani", it is said in a statement published by the US Office in Pristina today.

Expressing their revolt towards the use of language in this article, the Contact Group representatives said that "the repetition of such inappropriate and ungrounded statements is a irresponsible practice for journalists in any democratic society".

Epoka e Re published today a letter by the Head of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo Werner Wnendt (Ger). Addressing "Epoka e re" publisher Muhamet Mavraj, Wnendt expressed his "concern over provocative, hate speech and inflammatory allegations that are made against the inhabitants of the monastery of Decani, with no argument given to support these accusations".

Beside the Contact Group and the OSCE head of mission, Larry Rossin (US) (Political deputy of the UNMIK head in Kosovo) also sent a letter to Epoka e re. "First, I would like to express my disappointment with the fact that your paper published these statements, which are clearly ungrounded and aim at inciting ethnic hatred and mistrust. UNMIK has requested from TMC (Temporary Media Commissioner) to investigate whether this article presents a violation of the Code of Conduct,” reads the letter.


"Epoka e re" editor reacted to the criticism directed to his newspaper launching a new attack against the Monastery and accusing the monks of "spreading hatred against Albanians and accusations against Haradinaj family". As previous attacks these most recent allegations are false and completely ungrounded. Decani monks have never spread hatred against their Albanian neighbors and have only bore witness of their tradition and faith in Christ. In fact, last year during the March riots it was Ramush Haradinaj himself who called for restraint of rioters and stopped their attack on the monastery, which was highly appreciated by the international authorities. The monastery has also been praised by the local mayor who spoke about assistance given to Albanians during the war by the monks. Perhaps if anyone dishonors Haradinaj it is "Epoka e re" itself with this latest attempt to involve the former Prime minister into allegations of irresponsible individuals.

The firm position of the Serbian Orthodox Church is that the hate speech in press and media is unacceptable and is directly opposed to the policy of implementation of standards. Bishop Teodosije of Decani Monastery has many times so far said that although the monastery is a Serbian Orthodox monastery, built by a Serbian king, it is a cultural site in Kosovo and belongs to all citizens of the Province and the entire civilized world.