Kosovo Assembly fails to reach conclusion on government's decentralization plan
BBCM, Jun 25, 2005, 19:00 GMT
Text of report in English by independent internet news agency KosovaLive
Prishtina [Pristina], 24 June: Yesterday, the Kosova [Kosovo] Assembly ended its debate on decentralization without adopting a declaration to support the government with its work in this area. More than half of the MPs participated in the debate.
The parliament will continue today with the discussion of some drafts and amendments of some bills.
The Democratic Party of Kosova [PDK] called yesterday for adopting of a resolution that would guarantee that the standards fulfilment are also fulfilment of conditions for independence. But Kosova Assembly Speaker Nexhat Daci has refused this request.
Source: KosovaLive web site, Pristina, in English 24 Jun 05
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